Monday, December 13, 2010

The Mystery Unfolds

Lately things have been appearing in threes, good things.  The two most notable are one from yesterday, when I was drivign home thinking about how my Reiki practice has begun to take off, and when I looked up in the sky with my thanks, three eagles soared high, white tails flashing moment to moment.  The Incas would say "Condor Blessing."  It doesn't get any higher than that.

Then today, I went down to our lay-line river to say my usual prayer.  I took a stone with me, placed the prayer in the stone, asked the angels to magnify and direct the energy, and placed it in the water, white and rushing now with the recent torrential rains.  IMMEDIATELY, a huge fish, probably nearly two feet in length, jumped out of the water, once, twice and then three times, right in front of me!  This has never happened to me before.  I mean, I get a wee fingerling maybe twice a year doing this, but this creature was strong and magnificent, heavy, bristling in his flash and flop! 

I shouted out my joy and surprise, tears springing up in my eyes! 

Wild.  WILD.  Yummmmmm...........................................!


  1. I am delighted that the universe bestowed such blessings on you, Sarah; I hope they continue.

    I've learned to take emotional tides in stride as the days grow shorter and the nights, longer. Soon the winter solstice will mark the gradual lengthening of the days again, and the part of me which is tied to the earth will feel it.

    I wish you sunshine on the darkest days and stars, bright and true, in the heavens above you at night.

    And always--always--I wish you peace.

  2. The only thing that has been headed my way in threes is gains in poundage. Hey _ sarah - I am sorry I haven't been by - I guess i thought you weren't writing - when last I read over here, I still didn't know about the 'follow' click-on, and i have been letting my 'whose written lately' list guide my footsteps - after all you TOLD me you might be hanging it up for a while. So now I am catching up. Glad to see everything is still making you happy - I was reminded to check you out by a comment you left on Marge's site a bit back (I just got to it) and it was in ref to potted Xmas trees, and I thought the 'potted' thing was funny, considering - you have to realize I have no soul whatever!

  3. mother nature at her best, giving gifts when we least expect them
