Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Married at a Distance
You asked, after all.
So now being brave
Is about moving in Spirit connection
while living far apart.  I can do this.
I’ll will it.  Keeping my heart bright
In the absence of your light however
Is the Will of God.
How many devoted wives have done this?
Lived in this remote wilderness of spiritual unclaimed territory
A lot I bought, on earth, here,
Rife with the wild pungent forest, unnamable creatures lurking
The timeless sway of grasses, like honeyed thoughts of you
Here, the days filled with the sound of a chuckling stream,
The glint of sun-spangle on the ripples:  these also, memories.
At night, the moon, just a sliver of distant joy alight, the stars too
So far aloft
But winking at me like the eyes of angels,
Grinning in the clean dark cold.
I have blankets for sleep on this silent, humming acreage
The wooly colors vibrant, soothing in their itch: I can tell by their scratch
I am still alive with this love.
My lone lungs feel your breath fill them, right now, and in my subsequent exhale
Is the knowledge of your acceptance, right here at our lips
You, taking in my air, the lively peace of Trust, your way of love.

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